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العودة   شبكة روايتي الثقافية > مكتبات روايتي > English Library > Fiction > Drama

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قديم 12-02-22, 03:31 AM   #1

Fairey Angel

كاتبة في قصر الكتابة الخاليّة وقاصة بقلوب احلام القصيرة

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الصورة الرمزية Fairey Angel

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?  نُقآطِيْ » Fairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond repute
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Rewitysmile9 Guns of the Dawn - Adrian Tchaikovsky

Guns of the Dawn - Adrian Tchaikovsky

British Fantasy Society Best Novel (nominee)
Shortlisted for the 2016 British Fantasy Society Award for Best Novel.

Guns of the Dawn is a pacey, gripping fantasy of war and magic, from Arthur C. Clarke Award-winning author, Adrian Tchaikovsky.

The first casualty of war is truth . . .

First, Denland's revolutionaries assassinated their king, launching a wave of bloodshed after generations of peace. Next they clashed with Lascanne, their royalist neighbour, pitching war-machines against warlocks in a fiercely fought conflict.

Genteel Emily Marshwic watched as the hostilities stole her family's young men. But then came the call for yet more Lascanne soldiers in a ravaged kingdom with none left to give. Emily must join the ranks of conscripted women and march toward the front lines.

With barely enough training to hold a musket, Emily braves the savage reality of warfare. But she begins to doubt her country's cause, and those doubts become critical. For her choices will determine her own future and that of two nations locked in battle.

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