آخر 10 مشاركات
1110 - الدلال - شارلوت لامب - د.ن (الكاتـب : * فوفو * - )           »          1111 - الحلم - شارلوت لامب - د.ن (كاملة تم إضافة الصفحة الناقصة) (الكاتـب : بنوته عراقيه - )           »          1112 - الإستسلام - شارلوت لامب (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          زوجة ساذجة (85) للكاتبة : سارة مورغان ..كامله (الكاتـب : فراشه وردى - )           »          156 - أرجوحة المصير - آن ميثر - ع.ق ( تصوير جديد ) (الكاتـب : بنوته عراقيه - )           »          و حانت العــــــــودة "مميزة و مكتملة" (الكاتـب : nobian - )           »          لعنة ليدوكس(18) للكاتبة: Debra Cowan *كاملة+روابط* (الكاتـب : *دلال* - )           »          فى مهب الريح " متميزة " ... " مكتملة " (الكاتـب : الزينب - )           »          الطاووس الأبيض *مميزة ومكتملة * (الكاتـب : منال سالم - )           »          سمراء الغجرى..تكتبها مايا مختار "متميزة" , " مكتملة " (الكاتـب : مايا مختار - )

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قديم 01-10-19, 08:15 PM   #1


مشرفة اقسام الروايات الرومانسية المترجمة والمكتبة الإنجليزية وعضوة فى فريق الروايات الرومانسية المكتوبة وفريق ترجمة الروايات الرومانسية والعالمية

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية silvertulip21

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?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
Rewitysmile13 Mills and Boon Modern October 2019

Mills and Boon Modern October 2019

The Greek's Billion-Dollar Baby by Clare Connelly
All the money in the world couldn’t save Billionaire Leonidas Stathakis from the pain and guilt of losing his loved ones. Since then he’s forbidden himself all pleasure in life…until he meets enchanting and innocent Hannah! Indulging in red-hot oblivion, Leonidas breaks all his rules, —with inescapable consequences!
The Innocent's Emergency Wedding by Natalie Anderson
Desperate to escape the wedding her ruthless foster-father has organised for her, Katie Collins asks for help …from his nemesis, notorious playboy Alessandro Zetticci! It’s only temporary, but with Alessandro, untouched Katie finds herself awakened to unknown, but oh-so-tempting desire…
Demanding His Desert Queen by Annie West
Prince Karim needs a bride. Captivating, Queen Safiyah is the perfect choice, yet the pain of their broken engagement years ago remains. But Karim’s demands are simple: a convenient marriage for their country’s sake. Except Safiyah still fires his blood and their union looks set to be anything but convenient…
Virgin Princess's Marriage Debt by Pippa Roscoe
Billionaire Theo Tersi ’s certain Princess Sofia abandoned him years earlier, but in truth, heart-broken Sofia was forced to return to her royal duties. Now, face-to-face again their chemistry reignites and Theo creates a scandal to finally claim Sofia’s hand in marriage! But can their desire overcome his quest for passionate revenge?
The Sicilian’s Surprise Love-Child by Carol Marinelli
Impetuous and innocent Aurora Messina is everything cynical tycoon Nico Caruso shouldn’t want. But even Nico’s famous control isn’t a match for their combustible chemistry! When their encounter leaves Aurora pregnant…will this unexpected revelation give Nico a reason to risk everything?
Cinderella's Scandalous Secret by Melanie Milburne
Isla McBain is carrying famous hotelier Rafe Angeleri’s baby! No-one can know—the last thing she needs is to make the headlines. But when Rafe learns about her pregnancy, he’s intent on sweeping her away to Sicily, and marrying her! Temptation aside…dare Isla step into the spotlight as Mrs Angeleri?
A Passionate Reunion in Fiji by Michelle Smart
Billionaire Massimo Briatore has convinced his estranged wife Livia to accompany him to Fiji, and pretend to be married for a family celebration. But, trapped in paradise, there’s no escape from the memories and heat that once bound them together. An explosive reunion is on the cards, but can their passion burn away their past…
Claiming My Bride of Convenience by Kate Hewitt
My terms were clear: money and a luxurious Greek island sanctuary in exchange for her becoming Mrs. Matteo Dias—on paper at least—to secure my business empire. Now my wife, Daisy, wants to be free to create a real family. And as the shy waitress I married starts revealing an intriguing, spirited side…it’s high time I claimed my convenient bride!

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محتوى مخفي يجب عليك الرد لرؤية النص المخفي
محتوى مخفي يجب عليك الرد لرؤية النص المخفي

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Gege86 ; 14-12-19 الساعة 12:47 PM
silvertulip21 غير متواجد حالياً  

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