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دموع زهرة الأوركيديا للكاتبة raja tortorici(( حصرية لروايتي فقط )) مميزة ... مكتملة (الكاتـب : أميرة الحب - )           »          [تحميل ] الشاهد الأخير / للكاتبة ساندرا (الكاتـب : فيتامين سي - )           »          أثر تغزله النچمات (الكاتـب : Lamees othman - )           »          ملك يمينــــــك.. روايتي الأولى * متميزه & مكتمله * (الكاتـب : Iraqia - )           »          ملجئي و سُكْناي- دُعا محفوظ (الكاتـب : دُعا محفوظ - )           »          وهج الزبرجد (3) .. سلسلة قلوب شائكة *مميزة ومكتملة* (الكاتـب : hadeer mansour - )           »          الشبح * مميزة ومكتملة * (الكاتـب : زهرة نيسان 84 - )           »          68 - قبل الغروب - آن ميثر (الكاتـب : فرح - )           »          عطر القسوة- قلوب احلام الزائرة- للكاتبة المبدعة :داليا الكومي *مكتملة مع الروابط (الكاتـب : دالياالكومى - )           »          لعنتني امرأة- غربية(هندية) للكاتبة المبدعة:منى الليلي( ام حمدة )[زائرة] كاملة+الروابط (الكاتـب : أم حمدة - )

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قديم 10-03-19, 04:43 PM   #1


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

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?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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** خاص وحصرى على منتدى روايتى

الانتقام المرير _ مارى كوريلى

الاسم الأصلى : Bitter revenge

Lilian Peake

She could not shake the tragic past...

Carla Howard still had nightmares, even after three years. But tragic as her fiance, Crispin's, death had been, another face haunted her waking mind. For on that fateful night when Carla had broken her engagement to Crispin, she had also seen his older brother, Blaze Douglas, for the first time.

It was sheer bad luck that, when Carla's life had just about reached rock bottom �" she was jobless, homeless and penniless �" she should find herself at the mercy of Blaze, a man she had described as "a piece of ice coated with frost". For Blaze held her entirely responsible for the tragic death of his young brother Crispin, and was determined to be revenged on her.

Now, down on her luck and finding herself, ironically, Carla could no longer deny the love she felt for him. Instead, though, and unwilling attraction flared up between the two of them, and Blaze asked her to marry him. But neither could she know if it was plan to avenge his brother.

But a few more surprises were in store for Carla....

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة MooNy87 ; 18-09-20 الساعة 07:31 AM
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قديم 10-03-19, 04:45 PM   #2


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
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?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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مال بدون حب _ ايفونا يولوفيتش

الاسم الأصلى : Never to love

Anne Weale

After a hard, poverty-strickened childhood, Andrea had managed to become a successful fashion model. She was determined to marry for money and security, and when Justin Templar - handsome, rich, and intelligent - proposed to her, she was delighted to accept. But then she began to realize what it was to live without real love. What sort of future had she created for herself? And was there any way to escape?

MooNy87 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 10-03-19, 04:46 PM   #3


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
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?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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الملجأ الحائر _ مارفيس كلير

الاسم الأصلى : Bewildered Haven

Helen Bianchin

Jenny Meredith thought Zachary Benedict was the most conceited man she had ever met, and she had no intention of becoming yet another of his long string of conquests. Besides, after Max, she didn't want to get involved with any man again.

But Zachary, for reasons of his own, pursued her relentlessly. Surely she wouldn't find herself weakening?

MooNy87 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 10-03-19, 04:48 PM   #4


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
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?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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فراشة تحترق _ مارفيس كلير

الاسم الاصلى : Moth to the flame

Sara Craven

Juliet soon learned: never love an enemy!

Juliet went to Italy to check on her sister, Jan. According to Jan, she'd arrived just in time. Wealthy, powerful Santino Vallone was trying to prevent Jan from marrying his young brother, Mario.

With courage and determination, schoolteacher Juliet came to the rescue. Bravely she led Santino down a false trail by pretending to be Jan.

But Juliet only had one side of the story. When Santino kidnapped her, taking her to his castle by the sea, she realized the path she'd chosen led to danger--and heartbreak!

MooNy87 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 10-03-19, 04:50 PM   #5


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
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? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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ليلة بلا قمر _ بريل بلاكيت

الاسم الأصلى : Dark moonless night

Anne Mather

Seven years ago, Caroline had considered Gareth Morgan unsuitable as a husband. Now she was to find herself part of Gareth's life again when she got a job in Central Africa where he was living. And Gareth wasted no time in telling her. "If you have any foolish notions of trying to rekindle old fires, you'll be wasting your time!"

But did she want to rekindle old fires? In England there was Jeremy Brent, eager to marry her; and now, in Africa, Nicolas Freeleng made it clear he found her attractive. What did it matter how Gareth felt?

MooNy87 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 10-03-19, 04:52 PM   #6


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
?  مُ?إني » واحة الهدوء
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? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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وردة الصباح

الاسم الأصلى : Morning Rose

Amii Lorin

Alek Rykovsky was handsome, rich, charming - in fact, he was eligible to his fingertips; and he had asked Tara to marry him. Tara for her part had vowed never to be poor - or dominated - again, and she was looking, she declared, for a rich husband.

So where was the problem? First, that she hated Alek; second, that she knew he would dominate her in just the way she was adamant no man ever should. Yet fate seemed determined to trap her into a situation from which there was no escape from him...

MooNy87 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 10-03-19, 04:55 PM   #7


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
?  مُ?إني » واحة الهدوء
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? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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المشاعر القديمة

الاسم الأصلى : Shadow of the past - Robyn Donald

"What the hell are you doing here?"

He spoke softly, but his hostility was clear.

Morag would have enjoyed returning to Wharuaroa, where she'd been happy as a teenager, except for meeting Thorpe Cunningham again. His words showed that he still believed she had treated his brother, Graham, badly.

Of course, if she'd had any sense of self-preservation she'd have refused to accompany Sally and her children up here when she discovered her employer was Thorpe's sister. But she was here to do a job. She wouldn't let Thorpe's opinion bother her!

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قديم 10-03-19, 04:56 PM   #8


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
?  مُ?إني » واحة الهدوء
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? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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الاسم الأصلى : Abduction _ Charlotte Lamb

She needed time--and that was running out

After two years' separation from Gabriel, her husband, Marisa still didn't think she was ready to cope with being his wife. His wealthy life-style had intimidated her. His snobbish friends had made her feel like a poor little nobody.

But some things had changed in two years. Marisa had had to raise Jamie, their baby, by herself, and that had given her new confidence and shown her the meaning of true love.

Then Jamie was abducted, and she thought she would die. Especially since it brought Gabriel back into her life....

MooNy87 غير متواجد حالياً  
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قديم 10-03-19, 05:14 PM   #9


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
?  مُ?إني » واحة الهدوء
? الًجنِس »
? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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القدر المحتوم _ ماجدلينا نوفال

الاسم الأصلى : Fated affair

Patricia Lake

One night of love changed her forever

Three years ago Talia Montague's heart had been shattered: Alex had jilted her almost with a wave of his hand, unknowing and uncaring about the consequences of his actions.

Slowly, painfully, Talia had rebuilt her life, had managed to make a new beginning for herself and her little son--Alex's son.

Her life, her very soul, depended on one thing: Alex must never, never know that little Matty even existed. For if he found out, she knew the wealthy Alex Jordan could destroy her world once again!

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة MooNy87 ; 31-12-20 الساعة 12:41 AM
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قديم 10-03-19, 05:16 PM   #10


مشرفة منتدى عبير واحلام والروايات الرومانسيةومنتدى سلاسل روايات مصرية للجيب وكاتبة في قسم قصص من وحي الأعضاء

الصورة الرمزية MooNy87

? العضوٌ??? » 22620
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2008
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 47,928
?  مُ?إني » واحة الهدوء
? الًجنِس »
? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
?  نُقآطِيْ » MooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond reputeMooNy87 has a reputation beyond repute
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جزيرة الزهور _ لوريس غرانت

الاسم الأصلى : Island of flowers

Nora Roberts


When Laine Simmons comes to Hawaii for a reconciliation with her long-estranged father, she does not expect Dillon O'Brian, her father's handsome young business partner, to oppose her. But Dillon is convinced that Laine is responsible for the family misunderstanding. He is sure that Laine is only after her father's money.

Now Laine must fight her growing attraction for this stern, loyal man. No matter how much she craves it, she knows that she can never find love with a man who mistrusts her.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة MooNy87 ; 04-08-19 الساعة 11:44 PM
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