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العودة   شبكة روايتي الثقافية > مكتبات روايتي > English Library > Fiction > Crime - Suspense - Action > Agatha Christie

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قديم 25-02-11, 07:04 AM   #1


نجم روايتي وعضوة في فريق الترجمة

الصورة الرمزية soul-of-life

? العضوٌ??? » 79748
?  التسِجيلٌ » Feb 2009
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 7,585
?  نُقآطِيْ » soul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond repute
Cool Agatha Christie - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Agatha Christie

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Plot summary

The book is set in the fictional village of King's Abbott in England. It is narrated by Dr. James Sheppard* who becomes Poirot's assistant (a role filled by Captain Hastings in several other Poirot novels). The story begins with the death of Mrs. Ferrars* a wealthy widow who is rumoured to have murdered her husband. Her death is initially believed to be an accident until Roger Ackroyd* a widower who had been expected to marry Mrs. Ferrars* reveals that she admitted to killing her husband and then committed suicide. Shortly after this he is found murdered. The suspects include Mrs. Cecil Ackroyd* Roger's neurotic hypochondriac sister-in-law who has accumulated personal debts through extravagant spending; her daughter Flora; Major Blunt* a big-game hunter; Geoffrey Raymond* Ackroyd's personal secretary; Ralph Paton* Ackroyd's stepson and another person with heavy debts; Parker* a snooping butler; and Ursula Bourne* a parlourmaid with an uncertain history who resigned her post the afternoon of the murder.
The initial suspect is Ralph* who is engaged to Flora and stands to inherit his stepfather's fortune. Several critical pieces of evidence seem to point to Ralph. Poirot* who has just moved to the town* begins to investigate at Flora's behest.
Identity of the murderer

The book ends with a then-unprecedented plot twist. Poirot exonerates all of the original suspects. He then lays out a completely reasoned case that the murderer is in fact Dr. Sheppard* who has not only been Poirot's assistant* but the story's narrator. Dr. Sheppard was Mrs. Ferrars' blackmailer* and he murdered Ackroyd to stop him learning the truth from Mrs. Ferrars. In the final chapter of Sheppard's narrative (a sort of epilogue)* Sheppard admits his guilt and reveals that he had hoped to be the one to write the account of Poirot's great failure: not solving the murder of Roger Ackroyd. Thus* the last chapter acts as both Sheppard's confession and suicide note.

محتوى مخفي يجب عليك الرد لرؤية النص المخفي


soul-of-life غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-03-11, 03:52 PM   #2


إدارية ومشرفة سابقة وكاتبة بمكتبة روايتي وعضوة بفريق التصميم والترجمة و الافلام والسينما ومعطاء التسالي ونجمة الحصريات الفنية ومميز بالقسم الطبى

الصورة الرمزية Dalyia

? العضوٌ??? » 130321
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2010
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 49,796
? الًجنِس »
? دولتي » دولتي Egypt
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » Dalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond reputeDalyia has a reputation beyond repute
¬» مشروبك   pepsi
¬» قناتك mbc4
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~

Dalyia غير متواجد حالياً  
أنْت يـَـــا اللَّـه 【 تَكْفِينِي 】ツ

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 30-03-11, 10:12 PM   #3


نجم روايتي وعضوة في فريق الترجمة

الصورة الرمزية soul-of-life

? العضوٌ??? » 79748
?  التسِجيلٌ » Feb 2009
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 7,585
?  نُقآطِيْ » soul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond repute

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dodyadodo مشاهدة المشاركة

you're welcome

soul-of-life غير متواجد حالياً  

Never get into an argument with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you senseless with his
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-06-13, 11:34 PM   #4


? العضوٌ??? » 263195
?  التسِجيلٌ » Sep 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 131
?  نُقآطِيْ » khalidos is on a distinguished road

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

khalidos غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27-08-13, 03:19 AM   #5


? العضوٌ??? » 146436
?  التسِجيلٌ » Nov 2010
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 8
?  نُقآطِيْ » Joiner is on a distinguished road


Joiner غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-09-13, 09:35 AM   #6

منال لمع

? العضوٌ??? » 114229
?  التسِجيلٌ » Mar 2010
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 55
?  نُقآطِيْ » منال لمع is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة soul-of-life مشاهدة المشاركة

agatha christie

the murder of roger ackroyd

plot summary

the book is set in the fictional village of king's abbott in england. It is narrated by dr. James sheppard* who becomes poirot's assistant (a role filled by captain hastings in several other poirot novels). The story begins with the death of mrs. Ferrars* a wealthy widow who is rumoured to have murdered her husband. Her death is initially believed to be an accident until roger ackroyd* a widower who had been expected to marry mrs. Ferrars* reveals that she admitted to killing her husband and then committed suicide. Shortly after this he is found murdered. The suspects include mrs. Cecil ackroyd* roger's neurotic hypochondriac sister-in-law who has accumulated personal debts through extravagant spending; her daughter flora; major blunt* a big-game hunter; geoffrey raymond* ackroyd's personal secretary; ralph paton* ackroyd's stepson and another person with heavy debts; parker* a snooping butler; and ursula bourne* a parlourmaid with an uncertain history who resigned her post the afternoon of the murder.
the initial suspect is ralph* who is engaged to flora and stands to inherit his stepfather's fortune. Several critical pieces of evidence seem to point to ralph. Poirot* who has just moved to the town* begins to investigate at flora's behest.
identity of the murderer

the book ends with a then-unprecedented plot twist. Poirot exonerates all of the original suspects. He then lays out a completely reasoned case that the murderer is in fact dr. Sheppard* who has not only been poirot's assistant* but the story's narrator. Dr. Sheppard was mrs. Ferrars' blackmailer* and he murdered ackroyd to stop him learning the truth from mrs. Ferrars. In the final chapter of sheppard's narrative (a sort of epilogue)* sheppard admits his guilt and reveals that he had hoped to be the one to write the account of poirot's great failure: not solving the murder of roger ackroyd. Thus* the last chapter acts as both sheppard's confession and suicide note.

المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . موفق بإذن الله ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

منال لمع غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 13-01-14, 09:42 AM   #7


? العضوٌ??? » 276740
?  التسِجيلٌ » Nov 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 221
?  نُقآطِيْ » hana_ali is on a distinguished road

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . موفق بإذن الله ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

hana_ali غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-07-14, 07:09 PM   #8


? العضوٌ??? » 115212
?  التسِجيلٌ » Apr 2010
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 337
?  نُقآطِيْ » ahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond reputeahmed507 has a reputation beyond repute

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

ahmed507 غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 25-07-17, 10:36 PM   #9

مروه محمود علي

? العضوٌ??? » 255068
?  التسِجيلٌ » Jul 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 66
?  نُقآطِيْ » مروه محمود علي is on a distinguished road

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

مروه محمود علي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03-12-18, 06:09 AM   #10


? العضوٌ??? » 435618
?  التسِجيلٌ » Nov 2018
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 164
?  نُقآطِيْ » الأفي is on a distinguished road

شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

الأفي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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