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للحب سجناء (الكاتـب : طيف الاحباب - )           »          69- الرجل الغريب -هازل فيشر -عبير جديدة (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          75-النمر الاسمر- بيرل فافر - عبير الجديدة (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          80- لعبة من يخسر يربح- بيني جوردان -روايات عبير الجديدة (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          9- قصر الصنوبر -سارة كريفن -احلام عبير (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          زهرة .. في غابة الأرواح (3) * مميزة ومكتملة * .. سلسلة للعشق فصول !! (الكاتـب : blue me - )           »          الطريق المسدود -روبرتا لي -عبير جديدة - عدد ممتاز (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          ملجئي و سُكْناي- دُعا محفوظ (الكاتـب : دُعا محفوظ - )           »          الواثقة من نفسها - ديانا كريغ -عبير جديدة -عدد ممتاز (الكاتـب : Just Faith - )           »          رهين الشك - كارول ويستون - عبير دار الكنوز [حصرياً على منتديات روايتي] (الكاتـب : Andalus - )

العودة   شبكة روايتي الثقافية > مكتبات روايتي > English Library > Fiction > Drama

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قديم 10-12-10, 02:07 AM   #1


نجم روايتي وعضوة في فريق الترجمة

الصورة الرمزية soul-of-life

? العضوٌ??? » 79748
?  التسِجيلٌ » Feb 2009
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 7,585
?  نُقآطِيْ » soul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond reputesoul-of-life has a reputation beyond repute
059 Pretty Little Liars - Book 5

Pretty Little Liars - Book 5


Author : Sara Shepard

Genre : Young-adult fiction

Aria: Aria's mom starts to kiss the man of her dreams an artist Aria met at an art show. Aria is extremely attracted to him and he to her also. In the end Aria puts her mother's happiness before hers and decides to go live with her dad. Though we don't know if the move is permanent.
Spencer: Spencer is now stripped of everything because she confessed she cheated on that essay. She feels as if the only person there is for her to now trust is Andrew. Throughout the book she not only builds a stronger bond with Andrew, but also gets closer to her sister Mellisa. Now that her grandmother passed away, they go to the will reading. Spencer is totally left out. She figures she is adopted and is becoming on talking terms with Andrew.
Hanna: Hanna is willing to do anything to become on top. She is now best friends with Kate, Naomi, and Riley. But Hanna hears that Kate is planning something against her so at Spencer's party she announces that Kate has herpes which Kate told her couple weeks before. Though Kate didn't say she had herpes but she admitted something happened back at home. Hanna's dad finds out what Hanna did and he takes Kate's side.
Emily: Now has a boyfriend in this book.
Ian's body is found in the woods after he disappeared and didn't show up for his hearing. Spencer actually sees him and Ian said he was innocent and he has an idea on what's going on. And A said she couldn't have him around anymore. 1 year ago


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soul-of-life غير متواجد حالياً  

Never get into an argument with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you senseless with his
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